Displaying items by tag: flyer
Support to internal and external communication activities
Client: Aggreko Italia, Aggreko France
Year: from 2012 to the present
Edithink is a partner of Aggreko for what concerns support to internal and external communication.
In addition to the realization of posters, flyers, roll-ups, promotional material, event set-up and radio commercials in collaboration with Radio 24, for several years now we have also been dealing with personalized webmail and updating and management of areas of the company website.
Internal communication material and events
Client: Corepla
Year: from 2014 to the present
For the Corepla plastics recycling consortium we design and realize coordinated material dedicated to internal communication (e.g., brochures, reports, presentation folders, block notes, promocards and flyers), in addition to products for events and lines of gadgets designed ad hoc.
Design and realization of logo, coordinated image and communication products of the Consortium and of the related associated brands
Client: Ecor'It
Year: ongoing collaboration since 2011
LHS Foundation
Internal and external communication material
Client: LHS Foundation
Year: ongoing collaboration since 2010
Realization of communication products for workshops devoted to workplace health and safety culture, in particular: workbooks and personalized gadgets (e.g. bracelets, step counters, agendas and playing cards for role-playing activities).
These types of products are in addition to more traditional activities like institutional brochures, house organ paging, flyers, graphics and gadgets for events.